things we can do

things we can do

  Take time off from all media devices- there are things we can do and things that are beyond our control- try to reduce anxiety. Being more mindful in our lives is one of the most popular forms of advice the media suggests to us. Meditate, walk in the woods,...
things we can do

Guidelines to fitness, health

How often do you feel you are sold a bill of goods?For me it seems every year or less there are new guidelines to fitness, health, and mental stability,Depending on your resources of information you may believe coffee/caffeine is bad for you or a glass of red wine is...
things we can do

Tuesday Tips

Have you ever been confused by all the noise out there regarding what good mental and behavioral health are? Do you know someone who is suffering but you just do not know what to suggest. Are you afraid to acknowledge that your mental health is not what it should be....
things we can do

Care and love

Tuesday Tips Are you treating yourself as a person special and worthy of care and love.If you do not who will? Taking care of yourself should be your first priority. Are you suffering from stress, anxiety, migraines, or any type of depression? If your answer is yes...
things we can do

Tuesday Tips Harmony

  Harmony – what a perfect state to be in. Harmony with our environment, our colleagues, family and ourselves. Often our exterior world is a reflection of our interior world. Do you feel in harmony? Do you wake up in the morning looking forward to the day?...
things we can do

Tuesday Tips wellness

  Are you in the dark? Do you have so many questions that are unanswered regarding your health, wellness, and relationships?Are your finances in order? All these topics can weigh heavily on us. Information is your best form of empowerment. Having true and...
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