Words Matter

Words Matter

In life the words we say do matter. We are seeing, daily in the news, how words are affecting our politics. In our schools words are taking on influence and power to either alter or adjust information. In healthcare words both pro and con are creating divisions. Do...
Ketamine therapy

Ketamine therapy

  Contemporary Care Centers  offers two forms of delivery of Ketamine and Esketamine.  Ketamine therapy is treatment for treatment resistant depression and other mental disorders.Lauren Castaldi PA-C, MPAS  is a board certified Physician Assistant. She graduated...
Ketamine therapy

Medical Flash treatments

Are you feeling you have exhausted all possible treatments and drugs for your depression? Treatment resistant depression Ketamine is a different kind of medication for treatment resistant depression. It is the first in decades. A nasal spray or infusion of Ketamine...
Ketamine therapy

effects of MDD

  Ketamine infusion and nasal infusion Esketamine are two delivery systems that can reduce the effects of MDD and Trauma.After an evaluation, it will be determined if this is the appropriate treatment for your condition. Once your eligibility is established you...
Ketamine therapy

Medical Flash Sparvato

  Ketamine infusion and nasal ketamine, Sparvato are two treatments for treatment resistant MDD. esketamine( nasal) is believed to work differently than currently available oral antidepressants. When used in conjunction the adults with treatment resistant...
Ketamine therapy

Medical Flash thoughts, and feelings

Medical Flash Our moods are constantly giving us messages. We need to pay attention to our behaviors, thoughts, and feelings about life or thoughts of death.  All these things signal a problem. Tell your healthcare provider immediately. There is a treatment, with two...
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