Get Into The Flow

Get Into The Flow

Get Into The Flow Life presents challenges. How those challenges are managed makes the difference between a fulfilling life and one filled with anger, frustrations, anxiety, or depression. Life is meant to be lived fully with joy. Childhood experiences, illness, loss,...
Danger Signs

Danger Signs

Danger Signs Binge eating and drinking of alcohol. Getting a thrill from risky behavior- gambling, shoplifting, or sexual activity outside of acceptable norms. Smoking tobacco, vaping, or other substances legal or otherwise.  Ignoring self care-bathing, clean clothes,...


Silence the rumination disturbing your peace. Take the measure of your mental well being. Opt for care and healing from a full service psychiatric practice. Put your health and wellness as a first priority. Contemporary Care Centers offers medication management,...
Who’s In Charge?!

Who’s In Charge?!

In ChargeOur life decisions should be under our own personal control as an adult. Are you defaulting your decisions to someone else? Is someone gaslighting you. Are you being isolated by people you thought were friends but now ghost you? Are you feeling like a victim...
You Are Valuable And Valued

You Are Valuable And Valued

You Are Valuable And Valued This is a balanced mind set for a happy life. Unfortunately culture, social media, magazines, and TV can often send blanket messaging that undercuts our belief of our self worth. If these messages go unchecked and get debunked, it has the...


WHY Is it the chemicals in our vegetables? Are the antibiotics injected into livestock causing it? What about pollutants in our water sources or the air we breathe? How serious is social media pressure? There are such a variety combinations of challenges we as humans...
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