Cry Me A River

Cry Me A River

> Have or are you experiencing uncontrollable crying for seemingly no good reason? Are there mood triggers lurking everywhere to grab your emotions and set  them spinning? Do nightmares prevent a good night sleep? If any or all of these describe how you are feeling...
Be Nimble

Be Nimble

Holidays often bring up expectations. TV keeps promoting these fantasy moments with family, friends, and lovers. Homes are perfectly decorated. Meals are prepared to perfection and the world is one happy glorious place of joy! But that is not how real life is. Life...
Vegetable Soup of Letters.

Vegetable Soup of Letters.

MDD, TRD, OC, ADHD, PTSD  are all ways of expressing conditions that need a mental wellness professional physician. Contemporary Care Centers is a full service psychiatric practice that delivers individualized diagnosis and care plans for every patient. Whether you...
Is it YOU or is it the JOB?

Is it YOU or is it the JOB?

Burnout. COVID burnout. Signs are absenteeism, increased physical ailments that prevent working at your best, frequent headaches, exhaustion, and feelings of cynicism. Any or all of these are markers for burnout. We are coming into a better time in terms of dealing...
What’s Your Problem?

What’s Your Problem?

Issues such as depression, anxiety, acute and post traumatic stress ADD, marriage and relationship, post COVID burn out are all treatable. Contemporary Care Centers offers medication management, individual and group therapies, TMS, and Spravato- esketamine. The large...
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