Pioneer or Prisoner

Pioneer or Prisoner

Are you living your one and only life with hope, vision, and a positive view of the future? Or have you become entrapped by the constant barrage of news and social media, fostering a sense of hopelessness? Pioneer or Prisoner: Navigating Contemporary Care Balancing...
Be Aware

Be Aware

The world is filled with headlines describing heinous crimes against humanity. Diseases still plague world health. Hunger affects many populations. There is bad news in the world. BUT keeping your mental balance through all this is crucial.Be Aware Limit time on news...
Yes or No

Yes or No

Where do your priorities lie? Are you consistently placing yourself second, third, or even last in line? It’s time to take stock of your mental well-being. Say ‘Yes or No-care. Recognize that your life is important. Say ‘no’ to constantly...
Trip, Stumble, and Fall—GET UP

Trip, Stumble, and Fall—GET UP

When life places obstacles in your path, it’s an opportunity to transform those obstacles into stepping stones. Depression, anxiety, fear, or apathy can hinder your authenticity. Engaging fully in life means embracing who you are and creating a fulfilling life....
Turn It Off

Turn It Off

Turn It Off Be sure to take breaks from your electronic devices. Your brain needs time to recharge. The constant stimulation takes a toll on your functioning. Try a walk outside- start with 15 minutes. Leave everything but your I.D. behind. Let your mind enjoy the...
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