The Leopard Does Not Change His Spots

Written by Contemporary Care

October 18, 2023

Each of us is unique, and people are who they are. If you hope for someone to change just because you want them to, it’s often unlikely. However, behaviors can be improved with the right support. The Leopard Does Not Change His Spots: Understanding Human Nature

At Contemporary Care Centers, we’re here to provide that support. Call us at 203-792-0400. If behaviors are abusive to yourself or others, consider seeking psychiatric help. Living with addictions can be challenging, affecting not only you but also your family, friends, and colleagues. Seek help.

Phobias, conditions, anxiety, trauma, and depression can all be addressed through the care of our highly trained providers. As a full-service psychiatric practice, we offer the latest treatments. For treatment-resistant concerns, we can prescribe TMS and Esketamine. Traditional therapy or medication management is also available.

You are a unique individual with specific needs. Under the leadership of Clinical Director Tarique Perera, MD, our expertly trained professionals and caring staff provide the highest level of care. New patients are always welcome, and we accept all major insurance, including Medicare. For your safety and convenience, we offer Telehealth services. Visit to explore our services and meet our team.

Don’t hesitate to help yourself or a loved one. Call 203-792-0400 and take the first step toward a brighter, healthier future.

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