Getting Past Grief

Written by Rose Hebeler

July 25, 2023

Getting Past Grief Grief unfortunately comes to all at some moment in life. It is inescapable. Part of the pain from our feelings that we should not have to suffer so much. Suffering is alien to our being. Grief can be loss of a loved one, career, health, or relationship. Joy is the emotional state that is integral to our very essence. When grief becomes an extended way of being it has become different. Sadness and grief have a cycle and then begin to heal. You do not forget what made you sad but you are able to handle moving on. Depression is more serious. The activity of the brain can be clearly observed. Depression becomes debilitating not only to the brain but the entire person. One does not “snap out of it”, and, “they’ll grow out of it” is not an appropriate response for a person suffering depression. Get medical attention ! There is a mental health crisis in America right now. Contemporary Care Centers is a full service psychiatric practice. We welcome new patients. All major insurance is accepted including Medicare. Telehealth is offered for safety and convenience. Call 203-792-0400 to schedule your appointment. Medication management, therapy, TMS and Esketamine Spravato are treatments for MDD. to view all the services and meet the team. Call 203-792-0400 Do not hesitate to get your life back.

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