Know When to Rest

Written by Contemporary Care

June 11, 2020

Our bodies and our minds need down time to gather energy back so that they can operate at full function. Resting our minds is to remember to “give it a rest”. Stop thoughts from running wild in your brain. During this COVID period, block looping, fearful thoughts of the future. Encourage yourself to put every burden down for a time. Yes you will pick them up again, but you will be rested. When we are rested it is easier to have a new perspective and see more opportunities. If this is impossible for you to do, get help. Ruminating thoughts, anxiety, and depression are clear signs a mental health professional is needed. We at Contemporary Care can help you. We use Telepsychiatry to help you have easy access to our caring and proven solutions. Call today to schedule either an in person or phone call to start feeling better. 203-792-0400.

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