You Deserve The Best Mental Health

woman doing hand heart sign

You Deserve The Best Mental Health

You Deserve The Best Mental Health

Valentine’s Day has passed. Millions of dollars are spent on cards, flowers, chocolate, gifts and all forms of saying “I love you”. It is wonderful to love. To show care, concern, tenderness, interest are all manifestations of love.  But do you love yourself with the same care and concern? And if not why not?Taking care of ourselves should be our first priority. If mental wellness seems a luxury, think how much worse it will be if you are not able to function. Regardless of your economic status, geographical location, or misplaced sense of stigma you owe it to yourself and loved ones to be at your best. We welcome new patients at Contemporary Care Centers . All major insurance is accepted including Medicare. Telehealth is offered for your safety and convenience. Call 203-792-0400 to schedule your appointment. to view all our services and meet the team. The best gift you can give your loved ones is to be the best version of yourself. Call now 203-792-0400