Strategies For Positive Mental Health

photo of woman looking at the mirror

Strategies For Positive Mental Health

Strategies For Positive Mental Health

When feeling down or just plain sad give yourself a boost by taking a brisk walk and breathe in some fresh air. Let your lungs fill with air to cleanse your thoughts and body. Put a smile on your face. Even when smiling seems the last thing you want to do – just try it. It is a known fact that the act of smiling changes the chemicals in your brain. Start thinking about what is right in your life, not just what is not. Give yourself reason to forgive and forget. When grudges are held you are a prisoner of these emotions. Have a playlist of music that reminds you of happy times and feelings. Tell your inner critic to back off and take a break. Surround yourself with upbeat and positive people. Avoid the complainers and mischief makers.You get to choose those that you spend time with. Choose wisely. If the sadness turns into a prolonged bout of depression and none of these helpful hints are helping- seek a medical professional. Contemporary Care Centers is a full service psychiatric practice that can address and deal with whatever level of depression or anxiety you are suffering. Call 203-792-0400 to schedule an appointment. We welcome new patients. All major insurance is accepted including Medicare. Telehealth is offered for your safety and convenience.