Sleepless Nights

Many suffer from insomnia. There are a variety of reasons that cause inability to fall asleep and stay that way until morning. Sometimes we are worried about an upcoming project at work, our children, our health, our finances often play a major role in the nagging worry that presents itself when we put our heads on the pillow. Some simple remedies are no screen time for a half hour before retiring. Warm shower, glass of milk and lavender scented eye bag to keep out light. Meditation for nerve calming can also be beneficial.  But if these simple homey remedies do not work seek a medical professional. Contemporary Care Centers can help discover what is actually going on in your body that is preventing a good night’s sleep. Our psyche can be very persistent in keeping us awake at night. Medical Director Tarique Perera MD is a thought leader in medication management and leads an expert team of clinicians with the goal of providing each patient with the most personalized care. Anxiety, depression, phobias or life stressors can be effectively dealt with. Call 203-792-0400 to schedule your appointment. We welcome new patients. All major insurance is accepted including Medicare. to view all our services and meet the team. We can help you – call 203-792-0400