Reclaim Your New Year’s Intentions

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Reclaim Your New Year’s Intentions

Reclaim Your New Year’s Intentions

Have you dropped all your New Year’s Resolutions? Are you stuck in all your old negative patterns? Are you feeling that you are slipping backwards? No problem – you can reclaim all your good intentions. Forget goals – goals are in the future to attain. Live right now in the present and set a daily intention to do one positive thing for yourself. Perhaps drink more water or take a walk everyday- if it rains, walk the Mall. At the grocery, make better choices. Set a reasonable bedtime. Say one positive thing to someone each day. These can help. If you need more help contact us at Contemporary Care Centers. We are a full service psychiatric practice that can meet your mental wellness needs. Medication Management, therapies, and treatments are all available. Go to www.contemporarycarecenters to view all our services and meet the team. We welcome new patients. All major insurance is accepted including Medicare. Telehealth is offered for your safety and convenience. Call 203-792-0400 Live your best life starting now!