Breaking Through Work-Related Stress

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Breaking Through Work-Related Stress

Even as we are coming out of the restrictions and mandates, many folks are experiencing burnout or work-related stress. But what if this could be turned into a life-empowering breakthroughs. There is a choice here to be made. Work-related stress can affect our physical and emotional self. There is a loss of interest in work. Productivity drops and then there is a lack of accomplishment. This then triggers depression, lack of self-esteem, headaches, sleep disturbances, irritability, loss of concentration, and potential misuse of alcohol, food, and drugs. By accessing the right mental wellness professionals this downward spiral can be stopped and turned around. Call Contemporary Care Centers, a full service psychiatric practice, today. 203-729-0400  All types of mental and emotional conditions can be treated. Be your best as we enter Spring. Leave the old burnout behaviors behind and have a breakthrough that empowers your life to be all you want. We welcome new patients. All major insurance is accepted including Medicare. Telehealth is offered for your health and safety. to view all our services and meet the team. Call today 203-792-0400