Tuesday Tips
January is designated alcohol free month. If you are a social drinker, this might be a very easy challenge for you. But what is a social drinker? Is it someone who drinks with others, someone who drinks in the evening with dinner, someone who drinks while watching TV, so many ways to describe the social drinker. How many drinks at one time is the social amount? If you end up with a hangover does that still qualify as social? Ask yourself could you abstain from alcohol for just one month? Give it a try. If you discover you are having an alcohol problem contact a medical professional. We at Contemporary Care Centers can help with this addiction. Learn more at www.contemporarycarecenters.com or call to schedule an appointment. 203-792-0400. We take most major insurance including Medicare and are accepting new patients now. Don’t live with a problem and hide- get help now! WE CAN HELP YOU – CALL